Saturday, May 16, 2009

Our day at Cordon Park

With the weather finally warming (note the date of this post) the kids and I headed over to Cordon Park so the kids could swing and go down the slide. The bees and birds are out (literally and not figuratively, which by the way, I have never really understood why the saying came about) and the breeze is really just a breeze. This is probably the third nice day this year.

Earlier today we were over at the Ward Garden planting potatos and trying to figure how to get water to the other stuff we will be planting next week. One of the farmers in the ward offered up some good land but we still have the challenge of watering (sprinkling as they say) until we flood irrigate later this month or next. I am becoming quite the farmer through this little experience (I have been asked to start a ward garden for those that might need some food through these unsure times.)

Well time to get to watching the kids...


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