Sunday, September 16, 2007

Life Sentence?

I decided that I needed to add a post at least once a week and this is the picture of the week.

This week was mostly uneventful but that's what makes life enjoyable. Work is moving along, the kids have started school...and Gracie would correct me and make me tell you that she goes to pre-school, not school. Matthew is doing well and he really likes going to kindergarten.

I have decided to run for the City Council here in Rigby, ID. I have to get signs made up and get them in people's yards so people even know who I am. I have already had one person request that I visit with them so they can ask me the "hard questions". So the campaign promises begin...

Brandi want's to add that living in Idaho is anything but a Life Sentence and that whomever wants the good life should move here (ok, I added that and she really didn't say that, but its true!)

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

What could be worse than an infomercial?

What could be worse than an infomercial? Well what about getting woken from a deep sleep early in the morning and being told what product is currently being sold on an infomercial? Being told that there is no mess to clean up, no oven to preheat, and the fact that all those left-overs won't get wasted. What if I told you that the TV is currently 'paused' to make sure I won't miss any of the details, to make sure all of my questions could be answered. To top if all off, this is coming my 6-year old that has a memory like a steel trap, so no detail is spared just in case I can't get out of bed fast enough...and this morning wasn't fast enough.

Out of the mouths of babes, if it wasn't so funny to hear an infomercial from a 6-year old with all the same energy as the hosts of the infomercial I would be mad; it did motivate me to blog this early though. If anyone is interested they can call and for three easy payments....

And a Happy Birthday to Chuck, hope you have a good one!


I have to add the fact that I wanted to add some pictures and asked my son what it was called so I could go out and pull some pictures and he ripped off the name without blinking an eye...GT xPress 101. Thanks again to our wonderful and excited host, Cathy

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

So the basement is officially complete, at least the family room. Why is this significant? Because it took almost a year. I started last summer and got it to the point that it just needed carpet. Well, we thought we were going to move and decided to just leave it undone and let the next family decide what they wanted to do. We decided not to move and we now have carpet.

It is a blast to have that space down stairs to put the toys and play with the kids. Things feel a little quieter upstairs and I think we like it that way.
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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ahh the dog days of summer...

So we live in Idaho where the temperature doesn't break 90° except for maybe two weeks out of the year. Infact it didn't jump above 50° until late May. Well several weeks ago we were in Las Vegas where the temp was in the 113-116° range (this is all farenheight of course) and that felt hot. We were in the pool most of the time while outside and after being in water that is almost 40° cooler you don't really notice it.

Just today we were inside a church building where I am sure it was maybe 80°, and almost no one could focus because of the heat. Some guys were sweating and falling asleep. I turn to the one next me and asked, do you really think this is hot? His reply was to the affirmative, infact he was wiping his brow. Of course I was thinking back to a couple of weeks ago and thought, all these people would die of heat exhaustion.

I am not sure of what I would prefer if given the choice of the heat of Las Vegas for a few months out of the year or the 3 months of sub-freezing temperatures of Idaho. Well, I guess I don't really have a choice, I live in Idaho...
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Pete's what??

So the name of this blog is Pete's Bog, not a misspelling but rather a take on a peat bog. I have always known peat bogs as a source of energy for heat in the British Isles. Peat bogs are dead plant life that is decomposing, or decompsed and had been known to actually perserve bodies that fall into it. There are large amounts of tannic acid (it is what it sounds like) which tans what ever material that falls into it, or turns it into leather. They found remains of vikings that are perfectly perserved, hair, nails and all.

So I wanted to call this Pete's bog since it sounded like peat bog. Anyway, I have some other stuff to post, so I will gather the photo's and start sharing...

Monday, May 21, 2007

Flowers in water(no)color

So here is a picture I took with a Sony Mavica on a 1.44MB floppy in the summer of 2000. I took this in San Diego at the San Diego Temple. I loved this picture because of its simplicity and the fact that is was as is, I didn't do anything to it. I have to admit that this picture was recovered from a hard drive so it isn't the true original, but a digital is a bit for bit it is original.
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Sunday, May 20, 2007

The great outdoors...

Here we are at Yellowstone, on the benches outside the paint pots. It was a pretty good day and nice drive

We say several wild animals including some grizzly bears. We were pretty excited to see those. We also saw quite a few bison and elk. We hope to go again soon!
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The best way to blog

So yesterday I tried the BlogThis! link from Picasa and am addicted to this thing. I think this is how I will keep a daily running journal from now on. I am going to put some links on this site so people can download Google's Picasa.
So this evening at Family Home Evening we were all supposed to draw how we are supposed to be sitting in sacrament meeting. When Gracie was done we discovered that she really drew Grandma Della, the Robot from Chicken Little and Gracie. We thought we would share.
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Favorite Pic II

So this picture is also one of the pictures I like. This was taken on a bright summer day against the front window to the living room. It stands the test of time as probably one of the best pictures I have taken. It will always be one of my favorites.
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Favorite Pics

So this is one of my favorite Pictures that I have taken of my son. I took this as I we drove back from Yellowstone National Park.
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