Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Yes, I intentionally left the name of this entry the name of the picture.

Zoe and I were just hanging out since she wouldn't fall asleep tonight, she cried for an hour, like real whimpering cried. The kind where you might think something is wrong. I sit here typing on my phone and amazingly the glow of the phone has here sitting calmly rubbing her eyes, but not really falling asleep. I fed her early, well 6:30-ish after getting the kids started with dinner, with hopes she would be tired enough to fall asleep the rest of night. These hopes were dashed on the rocks of reality.

So here I sit...well I guess this isn't penning my thoughts exactly but qwertying my thoughts for the day.

Let's hope she sleeps throught the night.

Peter out...

Who loves me? I do...

Thanks to the folks over at cameroid.com I was able to take this killer picture of me and myself. I really like me.


Try it out, we had a good time playing around and, honestly what better way to say I love you..to yourself.


PDizzy out…


P.S. – Ben has set the example of keeping a pretty good little journal out on the blog-o-sphere, I might as well follow his lead.


Ok, the G1 is still cool

So I haven't blogged in quite awhile and I just noticed that the last posts back-to-back are about the phones. Let me explain...

So the G1 is an awesome phone and has a killa' web browser. On the G2 (EDGE) network the internet was screaming fast (as opposed to the G3 that kills your battery). So why then, why did I go back to the black?

I need better email support, the G1 was not built for email, well not the kind of email service that the BlackBerry delivers. I need to get email all the time and need better battery life, BlackBerry is the only thing that can deliver - hands down. The reality is I hate being required to plug the phone in for charging in the middle of the day and I get that away with that with the BB.

I need a phone for two things only, phone and email. I don't need a million apps that really don't do anything.

Well, hope that clears things up. Again, if interested I have a G1 with little use on it if you are interested.

P.S. I am blogging from this BB.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Back on Black

So here I am posting by email after a long spell away. Thought I would post a pic from the BlackBerry that I went back to after using the T-Mobile G1 for awhile. I am selling it by the way if anyone is interested.
