Sunday, September 16, 2007

Life Sentence?

I decided that I needed to add a post at least once a week and this is the picture of the week.

This week was mostly uneventful but that's what makes life enjoyable. Work is moving along, the kids have started school...and Gracie would correct me and make me tell you that she goes to pre-school, not school. Matthew is doing well and he really likes going to kindergarten.

I have decided to run for the City Council here in Rigby, ID. I have to get signs made up and get them in people's yards so people even know who I am. I have already had one person request that I visit with them so they can ask me the "hard questions". So the campaign promises begin...

Brandi want's to add that living in Idaho is anything but a Life Sentence and that whomever wants the good life should move here (ok, I added that and she really didn't say that, but its true!)

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Shelese said...

Are you really running for city council? I'm totally believing you so I hope you are. Maybe you could write up and answer to your "hard questions" in a post here and I'll link to it from my Rigby Friend's blog to get them the cool info???

Seriously, I want to campaign for you! Rigby needs some one like you and Brandi on the council!

Shelese said...

unless Brandi really feels like living in rigby is a life sentence... then she might not get the votes, better leave her off the ballot. ha!

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