What could be worse than an infomercial? Well what about getting woken from a deep sleep early in the morning and being told what product is currently being sold on an infomercial? Being told that there is no mess to clean up, no oven to preheat, and the fact that all those left-overs won't get wasted. What if I told you that the TV is currently 'paused' to make sure I won't miss any of the details, to make sure all of my questions could be answered. To top if all off, this is coming my 6-year old that has a memory like a steel trap, so no detail is spared just in case I can't get out of bed fast enough...and this morning wasn't fast enough.
Out of the mouths of babes, if it wasn't so funny to hear an infomercial from a 6-year old with all the same energy as the hosts of the infomercial I would be mad; it did motivate me to blog this early though. If anyone is interested they can call and for three easy payments....
And a Happy Birthday to Chuck, hope you have a good one!
Out of the mouths of babes, if it wasn't so funny to hear an infomercial from a 6-year old with all the same energy as the hosts of the infomercial I would be mad; it did motivate me to blog this early though. If anyone is interested they can call and for three easy payments....
And a Happy Birthday to Chuck, hope you have a good one!

I have to add the fact that I wanted to add some pictures and asked my son what it was called so I could go out and pull some pictures and he ripped off the name without blinking an eye...GT xPress 101. Thanks again to our wonderful and excited host, Cathy